Rollbar + GitHub

Connect Rollbar with GitHub and debug errors with ease.

Discover, prioritize and fix errors in minutes

Integrate Rollbar with GitHub to identify the root cause and fix errors faster. Get the stack trace and git blame information, and correlate errors to deployments – all using your existing workflow and tools. Supports GitHub Enterprise as well.

Code Context with Git Blame Information

For every error, you can see the stack trace with the offending line of code along with the git blame information directly within the Rollbar UI.

  • See the exact line of code where the error occurred
  • See who the last author was to edit the line of code that caused the error
  • Assign the error to the last author if needed
    Go to the the pull request and the commit with one click
GitHub Documentation

Keep track of code deployments

Notify Rollbar when you deploy code. Get a view of your deployment history for each environment and how deploys impact error rates.

  • See which commits were in each deploy and view full diffs for additional insight and context.

  • Correlate errors and regressions to code deployments.

  • View commits that didn’t deploy, but were merged to the master branch.

GitHub Documentation

Sync with GitHub Issues

Turn app errors into issues in GitHub. Manually or automatically create issues for your team to track and fix. Effortless troubleshooting with detailed exception data in issues.

  • Set rules to automatically open new issues.

  • Create and assign issues with just a few clicks.

  • Resolved errors in Rollbar, resolves issues in GitHub.

GitHub Documentation

Resolve errors in commits

Resolve errors when commiting code. When new code is deployed, errors referenced in your commit messages for that deployment will get automatically resolved in Rollbar.

  • Automatically resolve errors when they are deployed.

  • Reference errors in commit messages to auto-resolve.

GitHub Documentation

"Rollbar allows us to go from alerting to impact analysis and resolution in a matter of minutes. Without it we would be flying blind."

Error Monitoring

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