Instrument any application

Install our WordPress SDK in minutes and see the errors your users are experiencing.

class RollbarWPUser{
 public function _construct(){
   add_filter( 'rollbar_js_config', 
array($this, 'rollbar_js_config') );
function rollbar_js_config($config) {
   if(is_user_logged_in()) {
  $user = wp_get_current_user(() {


Discover Wordpress errors in real-time

WordPress errors are tracked by Rollbar instantly as they occur.

Similar errors are automatically grouped using Rollbar’s fingerprinting technology to reduce noise, and all errors include detailed data to help you assess impact and assign priority.

Wordpress error reporting with Rollbar

Get Error Context Fast

Rollbar automatically collects all the data you need to report, replicate and debug a WordPress error, presented in ways optimized for debugging speed.

Log in Laravel, Symfony, WordPress

Get stack traces, request parameters, local variables, affected users and IP addresses, browsers and OSes, deployed code versions, and more. Local variables and arguments can help you debug problems faster by showing you the state of the application when the error was created.

Wordpress error tracking

Debug Faster

Local variables and arguments can help you debug problems faster by showing you the state of the application when the error was created.

You can view their values directly from the stack trace report, and know exactly how to reproduce a WordPress error locally because you can see what triggered it.

Log and debug Wordpress errors faster with Telemetry

Tutorials on Wordpress

Rollbar provides what you need to report, deploy and debug your Wordpress app ready for production.

Section bridge

Explore More Frameworks

Report Wordpress errors and get crash reports in real-time. Available in all popular languages and frameworks.

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"Rollbar allows us to go from alerting to impact analysis and resolution in a matter of minutes. Without it we would be flying blind."

Error Monitoring

Start continuously improving your code today.

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