You can set up webhooks to make Rollbar push data to any arbitrary external service. Webhooks can be sent for the same triggers as our other notifications channels:

  • 10^nth occurrence (exp_repeat_item)
  • Deploy (deploy)
  • Every occurrence (occurrence)
  • High occurrence rate (item_velocity)
  • Item reactivated (reactivated_item)
  • Item reopened (reopened_item)
  • Item resolved (resolved_item)
  • New item (new_item)


Configuration is per-project. To set up webhooks, navigate to the project you want to configure, then click Settings → Notifications → Webhook.

Enter the full URL where webhooks should be posted and enable the integration. Once set up, you can add, edit, or remove rules. The main URL will be used as the default, but you can override by specifying a different URL on a per-rule basis.

Expected Response and Retries

The webhook endpoint you provide should respond with a 200, 201, 202 or 204 response code. If we receive another response code, or the request times out after 3 seconds, we will retry up to 10 times with exponential backoff. The first retry is after 1 second, and the 10th retry is after 16 days (4 ** num_retries seconds between attempts).

You can see the history of each attempt by clicking on the History button next to each rule on the Webhook Settings page. This will show all attempts for the selected rule: successes, failures, and pending retries.

Payload Format

All payloads are delivered over HTTP/HTTPs as POSTs. Payloads can be sent in either JSON or XML format. JSON is the default; to use XML, configure that by editing each rule.

The basic payload format is:

{ "event_name": "EVENT_NAME", "data": { "OBJECT_TYPE": { } } }

EVENT_NAME will be one of:

  • exp_repeat_item
  • deploy
  • item_velocity
  • new_item
  • occurrence
  • reactivated_item
  • reopened_item
  • resolved_item

OBJECT_TYPE will be one of:

  • item(if one of the *_item events)
  • deploy(if the deploy event)

The value of the OBJECT_TYPE key will be an object containing all of the properties of the related item/deploy. This is the same data returned by our Read API.

exp_repeat_item payloads will contain one additional key inside data: occurrences, the number of occurrences in the crossed threshold (e.g. 10, 100, etc.).

item_velocity payloads will contain an additional key, trigger inside data which holds three additional keys:

  • window_size, the number of seconds in the high occurrence rate window (e.g. 5, 60, 300, etc.)
  • window_size_description, a human-readable version of the window size (e.g. '100 seconds', '1 hour', etc.)
  • threshold, how many events were triggered during the window to send the notification.


New item (JSON)

{ "event_name": "new_item", "data": { "url": "", "item": { "public_item_id": null, "integrations_data": {}, "last_activated_timestamp": 1382655421, "unique_occurrences": null, "id": 272716944, "environment": "production", "title": "testing aobg98wrwe", "last_occurrence_id": 481761639, "last_occurrence_timestamp": 1382655421, "platform": 0, "first_occurrence_timestamp": 1382655421, "project_id": 90, "resolved_in_version": null, "status": 1, "hash": "c595b2ae0af9b397bb6bdafd57104ac4d5f6b382", "last_occurrence": { "body": { "message": { "body": "testing aobg98wrwe" } }, "uuid": "d2036647-e0b7-4cad-bc98-934831b9b6d1", "language": "python", "level": "error", "timestamp": 1382655421, "server": { "host": "dev", "argv": [ "" ] }, "environment": "production", "framework": "unknown", "notifier": { "version": "0.5.12", "name": "pyrollbar" }, "metadata": { "access_token": "", "debug": { "routes": { "start_time": 1382212080401, "counters": { "post_item": 3274122 } } }, "customer_timestamp": 1382655421, "api_server_hostname": "web6" } }, "framework": 0, "total_occurrences": 1, "level": 40, "counter": 4, "first_occurrence_id": 481761639, "activating_occurrence_id": 481761639 } } }

Every occurrence (JSON)

{ "event_name": "occurrence", "data": { "url": "", "item": { "public_item_id": null, "integrations_data": {}, "level_lock": 0, "last_activated_timestamp": 1480713852, "assigned_user_id": null, "hash": "846d53400721434a78442645e0976fc82f009238", "id": 418474069, "environment": "production", "title": "ValueError: Test", "last_occurrence_id": 19007601096, "last_occurrence_timestamp": 1480713852, "platform": 0, "first_occurrence_timestamp": 1480713852, "project_id": 93341, "resolved_in_version": null, "status": 1, "unique_occurrences": null, "title_lock": 0, "last_occurrence": { "body": { "trace": { "frames": [ { "filename": "", "code": "raise ValueError('Test')", "lineno": 5, "locals": { "__builtins__": "<type 'module'>", "__file__": "", "__package__": null, "__name__": "__main__", "rollbar": "<type 'module'>", "__doc__": null }, "method": "<module>" } ], "exception": { "message": "Test", "class": "ValueError" } } }, "uuid": "5ccf5483-1dfc-453a-aa80-ac857ed5df87", "language": "python 2.7.12", "level": "error", "timestamp": 1480713852, "server": { "host": "test.local", "pid": 11277, "argv": [""] }, "environment": "production", "framework": "unknown", "notifier": { "version": "0.13.8", "name": "pyrollbar" }, "metadata": { "access_token": "", "debug": { "routes": { "start_time": 1480645795776, "counters": { "post_item": 475931 } } }, "customer_timestamp": 1480713851, "api_server_hostname": "dal05api2", "timestamp_ms": 1480713852386 } }, "framework": 13, "total_occurrences": 1, "level": 40, "counter": 2, "last_modified_by": 2147, "first_occurrence_id": 19007601096, "activating_occurrence_id": 19007601096 } } }

High occurrence rate (JSON)

{ "event_name": "item_velocity", "data": { "url": "", "item": { "public_item_id": null, "integrations_data": {}, "last_activated_timestamp": 1382655421, "unique_occurrences": null, "id": 272716944, "environment": "production", "title": "testing aobg98wrwe", "last_occurrence_id": 481777744, "last_occurrence_timestamp": 1382656142, "platform": 0, "first_occurrence_timestamp": 1382655421, "project_id": 90, "resolved_in_version": null, "status": 1, "hash": "c595b2ae0af9b397bb6bdafd57104ac4d5f6b382", "last_occurrence": { "body": { "message": { "body": "testing aobg98wrwe" } }, "uuid": "fd3a2d6f-3383-42ef-b65f-7d84cfad1b2c", "language": "python", "level": "error", "timestamp": 1382656140, "server": { "host": "dev", "argv": [ "" ] }, "environment": "production", "framework": "unknown", "notifier": { "version": "0.5.12", "name": "pyrollbar" }, "metadata": { "access_token": "", "debug": { "routes": { "start_time": 1382212089369, "counters": { "post_item": 3278360 } } }, "customer_timestamp": 1382656140, "api_server_hostname": "web5" } }, "framework": 0, "total_occurrences": 10, "level": 40, "counter": 4, "first_occurrence_id": 481761639, "activating_occurrence_id": 481761639 }, "occurrences": 10, "trigger": { "window_size": 300, "window_size_description": "5 minutes", "threshold": 100 } } }

10^nth occurrence (JSON)

{ "event_name": "exp_repeat_item", "data": { "url": "", "item": { "public_item_id": null, "integrations_data": {}, "last_activated_timestamp": 1382655421, "unique_occurrences": null, "id": 272716944, "environment": "production", "title": "testing aobg98wrwe", "last_occurrence_id": 481777744, "last_occurrence_timestamp": 1382656142, "platform": 0, "first_occurrence_timestamp": 1382655421, "project_id": 90, "resolved_in_version": null, "status": 1, "hash": "c595b2ae0af9b397bb6bdafd57104ac4d5f6b382", "last_occurrence": { "body": { "message": { "body": "testing aobg98wrwe" } }, "uuid": "fd3a2d6f-3383-42ef-b65f-7d84cfad1b2c", "language": "python", "level": "error", "timestamp": 1382656140, "server": { "host": "dev", "argv": [ "" ] }, "environment": "production", "framework": "unknown", "notifier": { "version": "0.5.12", "name": "pyrollbar" }, "metadata": { "access_token": "", "debug": { "routes": { "start_time": 1382212089369, "counters": { "post_item": 3278360 } } }, "customer_timestamp": 1382656140, "api_server_hostname": "web5" } }, "framework": 0, "total_occurrences": 10, "level": 40, "counter": 4, "first_occurrence_id": 481761639, "activating_occurrence_id": 481761639 }, "occurrences": 10 } }

Resolved Item (XML)

<rollbar> <event_name>resolved_item</event_name> <data> <url></url> <item> <public_item_id>None</public_item_id> <integrations_data/> <last_activated_timestamp>1382655421</last_activated_timestamp> <hash>c595b2ae0af9b397bb6bdafd57104ac4d5f6b382</hash> <id>272716944</id> <environment>production</environment> <title>testing aobg98wrwe</title> <last_occurrence_id>481777763</last_occurrence_id> <last_occurrence_timestamp>1382656142</last_occurrence_timestamp> <platform>0</platform> <first_occurrence_timestamp>1382655421</first_occurrence_timestamp> <project_id>90</project_id> <resolved_in_version>None</resolved_in_version> <status>2</status> <unique_occurrences>None</unique_occurrences> <last_occurrence> <body> <message> <body>testing aobg98wrwe</body> </message> </body> <uuid>b5c7ff50-6fff-4ce0-82f8-8a7009227b2e</uuid> <language>python</language> <level>error</level> <timestamp>1382656141</timestamp> <server> <host>dev</host> <argv/> </server> <environment>production</environment> <framework>unknown</framework> <notifier> <version>0.5.12</version> <name>pyrollbar</name> </notifier> <metadata> <access_token>REDACTED</access_token> <debug> <routes> <start_time>1382034789251</start_time> <counters> <post_item>4547392</post_item> </counters> </routes> </debug> <customer_timestamp>1382656141</customer_timestamp> <api_server_hostname>web5</api_server_hostname> </metadata> </last_occurrence> <framework>0</framework> <total_occurrences>12</total_occurrences> <level>40</level> <counter>4</counter> <first_occurrence_id>481761639</first_occurrence_id> <activating_occurrence_id>481761639</activating_occurrence_id> </item> </data> </rollbar>

Deploy (JSON)

{ "event_name": "deploy", "data": { "deploy": { "comment": "deploying webs", "user_id": 1, "finish_time": 1382656039, "start_time": 1382656038, "id": 187585, "environment": "production", "project_id": 90, "local_username": "brian", "revision": "e4b9b7db860b2e5ac799f8c06b9498b71ab270bb" } } }

Field reference

Field NameExplanation
project_idInternal ID of the project from which the webhook was generated. Use the API to GET project details.
uuidUniversally-unique identifier. See UUIDs for more information.


In order to authenticate webhook messages from Rollbar, we recommend the following:

You can issue yourself an authentication token for your webhook, and have it sent from Rollbar with every request. For example, configure it into your URI like and have your hook server-side validate the token each time.

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