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Warmup Inbox’s Story with Rollbar

Warmup Inbox’s Story with Rollbar

Warmup Inbox automatically raises your email sending reputation through a network of inboxes that talk to each other.

1. Describe your company and the service(s) offered.

WarmupInbox is a tool to help improve email deliverability. The tool increases your chances for your email to be in the main inbox rather than the promotion tab or worse the spam folder.

2. What are you most passionate about in your current and/or past roles?

Email deliverability is an ever-evolving field. There are frequent updates from big players like Google and Yahoo. It is challenging to stay on top of the news but it is also really interesting.

We have to iterate really quickly about product and marketing messaging. Rollbar is actually helping us iterate quickly by making sure we aren’t breaking things.

3. Is there anything in particular about Rollbar that has kept you a loyal user?

Ease of use and smooth integration with Slack, and easy to read dashboards, which allows to solve the most important defects in accordance with the Pareto principle.

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