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What does java.lang.RuntimeException mean?

What does <wbr>java.lang.Runtime<wbr>Exception mean?
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Present in every version of Java, the java.lang.RuntimeException is an essential class that allows your application to handle unexpected problems without crashing. Runtime exceptions are exceptions only detected during the execution of your app - things like invalid user input or issues with external resources like files or networks.

When an unexpected situation like those occurs, a RuntimeException can be thrown and your app can catch and handle it using a try-catch block.

Simple example

Imagine you have a method that divides two numbers. If you try to divide by zero, it should raise a RuntimeException.

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            int result = divide(10, 0);
            System.out.println("Result: " + result);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());

    public static int divide(int numerator, int denominator) {
        if (denominator == 0) {
            throw new RuntimeException("You can't divide by zero!");
        return numerator / denominator;

When the divide method detects that the denominator is zero, it throws a RuntimeException. This error is then caught in the try-catch block in the main method, allowing the app to print an error message instead of crashing.

What is the difference between RuntimeException and Exception in Java?

An Exception represents checked exceptions that must be handled explicitly, while a RuntimeException represents unchecked exceptions that do not require explicit handling.

For example, file I/O operations or database access issues are typical use cases for checked exceptions (Exception). They require explicit handling in the code, like retrying the operation or providing user feedback. For this reason, they’re often called recoverable conditions.

On the other hand, RuntimeException is used for programming errors that should generally be fixed by the developer, but it’s not mandatory to handle them explicitly in the code. These include issues such as logic errors, incorrect API usage, or invalid assumptions about the state of the app. Examples are NullPointerException or ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. They represent unrecoverable conditions that the application should not try to handle.

What does java lang runtimeexception null mean?

When you see an error message like java.lang.RuntimeException: null, it generally means that a RuntimeException was thrown, and the message associated with the exception is null. In other words, no specific error message was provided when the exception was created.

This might be due to an explicit decision to throw the exception without a message, or it could be a mistake or oversight in the code. You should always ensure that when throwing a RuntimeException (or any exception), you give a meaningful message that describes the error. This makes it easier to debug and understand the cause of the exception.

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