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How to Handle the Unpermitted Parameters Error in Ruby

How to Handle the Unpermitted Parameters Error in Ruby
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The ActionController::UnpermittedParameters error occurs when a parameter that has been passed is not permitted in a create, an update, or a user-defined action.

In older versions of Rails, information about the unpermitted keys was provided in the logs only when an unpermitted parameter was found in a request. This did not provide enough information for the developers to understand which controller and action received the unpermitted parameters.

Raising the Unpermitted Parameters Error Makes for Easier Debugging

Let's say we have a user who has a name, an email address, and a role attribute, and only the name and email attributes are permitted.

requested_params = { user: { name: "Tony Stark", email: "[email protected]", role: "admin" } }
tempParams =
tempParams.permit(user: [:name, :email])

But in the log, we only get:

Unpermitted parameter: :role

As seen in the log, only information about the unpermitted key is provided, with no information about the controller or action that actually received the unpermitted parameter. If the log files don't specify which parameters are causing the problem, it will be very hard for a programmer to pinpoint the error when dealing with production-level code.

How to Raise the Unpermitted Parameters Error in Ruby

The two best ways to raise the Unpermitted Parameters error are as follows:

1. Modifying the Config File

In order to raise the Unpermitted Parameters error, the ActionController::Parameters.action_on_unpermitted_parameters field should be set to :raise. We need to make changes in a config file development.rb by adding the below line to the config/environments/development.rb:

 config.action_controller.action_on_unpermitted_parameters = :raise.

This causes an unpermitted parameter to be passed and causes the ActionController::UnpermittedParameters error to pop up.

params = "567", b: "506")

For the above code, the below error will be raised:

 ActionController::UnpermittedParameters: found unpermitted parameters: :a, :b

2. Adding Context to the Code

In the latest versions of Rails, the developer has the ability to specify the context with a controller, action, request, and param keys. This context will be included in the logging payload.

Now let's try to modify the above code to accept the context as a parameter:

context = { controller:, action: action_name }
requested_params = { user: { name: "Tony Stark", email: "[email protected]", role: "admin" } }

tempParams =, context)
tempParams.permit(user: [:name, :email])

In the log, we will have something like the following:

Unpermitted parameter: :role. Context: { controller: UsersController, action: create }

As we can see, the context is also logged, containing the controller and action keys. The big reason for including this context in our code is that it makes it easier to debug the code when dealing with large production-level applications and makes the programmer's task easier to comprehend.

How to Fix the Unpermitted Parameters Error in Ruby

We will be handling the Unpermitted Parameters error by using the rescue_from clause. The rescue_from clause takes a series of exception classes and a trailing with: clause that takes the name of a method that will be called to handle the error.

Let’s examine the following block of code:

class Example < ApplicationController
wrap_parameters format: []
rescue_from ActionController::UnpermittedParameters, with: :handle_errors
def create
    user = User.create!(user_data)
    render json: user, status: :created
def update
    user = User.find(params[:id])
    render json: user
def user_data
    params.permit(:password, :username)
def handle_errors
    render json: { "Unpermitted Parameters found": params.to_unsafe_h.except(:controller, :action, :id, :username, :password).keys }, status: :unprocessable_entity

When the above code is run with unpermitted parameters, we get the following error message:

"Unpermitted Parameters found <keys creating the issue>".

We customize the error message using render and whenever the error occurs, the method handle_errors will be called. Using .to unsafe h on parameters is crucial since it will turn all of the parameters into a standard Ruby hash. To ensure that all permitted arguments are excluded from the error message and only the parameters causing the error are displayed, an additional .except has been introduced.

Giving context to code is an essential programming practice because it makes the programmer's task easier to analyze and troubleshoot while debugging.

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