At, we’ve been using Pyramid as our web framework
and have been pretty happy with it. It’s lightweight and mostly stays out of our way.
Pyramid doesn’t have a global request object that you can just import[1], so it makes you pass
around request wherever you need it. That results in a lot of library code that looks like this:
# lib/
def flash_success(request, body, title=''):
request.session.flash({'body': body, 'title': title'})
and a lot of view code that looks like this:
# views/
def login(request):
# (do the login...)
helpers.flash_success(request, "You're now logged in.")
# (redirect...)
That is, there ends up being a lot of function calls that pass request
as their first argument.
Wouldn’t it be nicer if we could attach these functions as methods on request
itself? That would
save a few characters every time we call them, and let us stop thinking about whether request
the first or last argument. Pyramid facilitates this by letting us provide our own
Request Factory:
from pyramid.request import Request
class MyRequest(Request):
def hello(self):
print "hello!"
def main(global_config, **settings):
config = Configurator(settings=settings, request_factory=MyRequest)
# ...
Now the request
passed to our view methods, and everywhere else in our app, has our hello
So, what can we do with this that’s actually useful? In our codebase, we have a few convenience
methods to get data about the logged-in user, flash messages, and check if features are enabled.
Here it is, unedited, in its entirety:
class MoxRequest(pyramid.request.Request):
# logged-in-user access
def user_id(self):
from import authenticated_userid
user_id = authenticated_userid(self)
log.debug('authenticated user id: %r', user_id)
return user_id
def user(self):
user_id = self.user_id
if user_id:
return model.User.get(user_id)
return None
def username(self):
if self.user:
return self.user.username
return None
def gater_check(self, feature_name):
return self.registry.settings.get('gater.%s' % feature_name) == 'on'
# flash methods
def flash_success(self, body, title=''):
self._flash_message(body, title=title, queue='success')
def flash_info(self, body, title=''):
self._flash_message(body, title=title, queue='info')
def flash_warning(self, body, title=''):
self._flash_message(body, title=title, queue='warning')
def flash_error(self, body, title=''):
self._flash_message(body, title=title, queue='error')
def _flash_message(self, body, title='', queue=''):
self.session.flash({'title': title, 'body': body}, queue=queue)
This just sits in our top-level
, along with the main()
entry point.
Notes: code>@util.CachedAttribute contains
this recipe.
“Mox” is an easy-to-type codename, named after
these mountains.
[1] I’m still not sold on this, but I’m getting by. It arguably causes problems with testing and
such, but it is pretty nice to magically from flask import request