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Send Log Messages to Rollbar

Send Log Messages to Rollbar

You can send any log message to Rollbar, not just exceptions. This is especially helpful for client-side applications that don't write to your server logs.

Log messages can have the same attached metadata as exceptions (request, server, person, etc.) and go through a similar fingerprinting process as exceptions.

Log messages have a level (critical, error, warning, info, or debug), a body (just a string), and any arbitrary optional parameters you want to include.


// log methods exist for each level, or pass as a param
Rollbar.critical("Crash while processing payment");
Rollbar.log("error", "Crash while checking order status");
Rollbar.warning("Facebook API unavailable");"User logged in");
Rollbar.debug("Cron job starting");

// can pass arbitrary params"User logged in", {loginType: "email+password"});

// rich metadata will be included automatically, but if you want to override:
Rollbar.scope({person: {id: "123"}}).info("User logged in");

Ruby log methods exist for each level, or pass as a param

Rollbar.critical("Crash while processing payment")
Rollbar.log("error", "Crash while checking order status")
Rollbar.warning("Facebook API unavailable")"User logged in")
Rollbar.debug("Cron job starting")

# can pass arbitrary params"User logged in", :login_type => "email+password")

# rich metadata will be included automatically, but if you want to override:
Rollbar.scope(:person => {:id => "123"}).info("User logged in")

Python default level is 'error'

rollbar.report_message('Got an IOError in the main loop')

# logs at the 'warning' level
rollbar.report_message('Got an IOError in the main loop', 'warning')

# can also include the request object
rollbar.report_message('Got an IOError in the main loop', 'warning', request)

# or extra context
rollbar.report_message('Got an IOError in the main loop', 'warning', extra_data={'job_id': job_id})

PHP <?php // default level is 'error' Rollbar::report_message('Could not connect to database');

// logs as the 'warning' level
Rollbar::report_message('Could not connect to Facebook API', 'warning');

For more details and instructions for other languages, please check out our SDK docs.

"Rollbar allows us to go from alerting to impact analysis and resolution in a matter of minutes. Without it we would be flying blind."

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